

With over 25 years of PCLaw and legal accounting experience, we are able to assist you with all of your PCLaw needs.

Training – Customized, on-site training to meet the specific requirements of your firm.

Support & Troubleshooting – Review of your system and procedures to maximize efficiency and assist with any balancing issues.

Sales –  Carmen Gallant is a certified Consultant with PCLaw and who can assist you with your PCLaw purchase to ensure you are making the right decisions.CPP Badges

Law Society – Customize PCLaw to ensure that Law Society requirements are being met and help familiarize staff with Law Society rules. We also have extensive experience in assisting with correcting deficiencies and reporting to the Law Society after an audit.


Our goal is to ensure your firm is using PCLaw efficiently and that you have the ability to extract relevant data on a timely basis.

PCLaw is currently used in over 30,000 law firms.

Compu-Law Consulting & Accounting Services Ltd. is a Certified Independent Consultant with
PCLaw at PCLaw Time Matters.